Take Action

Your donation will go toward the education of impoverished children in rural Morocco, and will importantly help improve and supply underdeveloped schools in this region of Northern Africa. Our aim is to allow kids a chance at education by creating functional classrooms for grades K-12 throughout the region of Bin El Ouidane. This underprivileged area critically needs our help, and yours. Aside from fundamental supplies such as paper, notebooks, pencils, and backpacks, the area’s schools desperately lack even basic operating necessities such as windows, doors, and forms of heating. Amazingly, children here are not easily dissuade from their studies and diligently attend school 5 days a week in spite of the fact that a lack of transportation means most walk an hour each way in Morocco’s extreme temperatures. As BEO grows, we aspire to supply each classroom with computers and to making transportation more readily available, so that each students’ focus can be concentrated on studies. Please arm these forgotten children with the resources they need to escape the cycle of poverty through the power of education.  

BEO will commence by renovating the following schools:

    • Elementary School of Bin el Ouidane 
      • Number of Students: 257
      • Age Range: 5-11
    • Middle School & High School of Al Bohaira Bin El Ouidane 
      • Number of Students: 235
      • Age Range: 12-18